
Business Intelligence

Business Strategy

Strategic Leadership

Our expertise in supporting organizations is our cutting edge to weave an effective management of the strategy-creation process. In today’s more interconnected and fast-paced world, we help you develop strategies which encompass the full spectrum of opportunities and threats that are emerging from all sides. Our focus is on anticipating contextual changes that might significantly reshape the business environment and work with your leaders to generate value.

Strategy Formulation

With so much uncertainty surrounding business today, DCG can assist the company’s senior leaders to set guiding objectives and strategies to link your organization’s future to the present-day challenges. We develop strategies by analyzing the organization’s external and internal environment and facilitate “visioning” meetings to support your team brainstorm ideas through critical thinking about the future.

Strategy Execution

Our expertise is in converting strategies into actionable plans. We consider four factors to determine the outcome of any transformation initiative. These include the duration of time until the change program is completed; the project team’s performance integrity – that is its ability to complete the initiative on time; the commitment to change from top to bottom; and the effort required from the executors over and above their routine work.

Digital Transformation

Data Engineering

Data engineering allows businesses to optimize data towards applicability. We extract meaning and value from company’s available data to support the organization’s leadership in making data-driven decisions aligned with their goals, objectives, and initiatives.

Dashboard Creation

We visualize data and transform it into a compelling narrative to create a remarkable impact on the organization’s competitive advantage and speed of execution. We offer dashboard designs that help leaders and stakeholders quickly gain insights into the most important aspects of their data. They get real-time insights and competitive analyses and use them to identify items that require urgent action, streamlining workflows and properly purposing resources.


Increasing productivity with technology is possible when the right tools are utilized. We’ll help you determine where you need a productivity boost and research if there is a tech tool readily available to fill that gap. We equip organization functions and/or operations with advanced technological tools to help reduce waste and better utilize available resources.

Operational Excellence

Quality Management System (QMS)

QMS provides a systematic approach to lean process improvement. It helps identify quality issues, eliminate unnecessary activities, and close gaps in performance. We support organizations in setting up their QMS in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 standards. This includes but not limited to developing policies and procedures.

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Head Office: Anas Bin Malek Street, Al Malqa Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Khobar Office: Alandalus District, Khobar, Saudi Arabia

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